In 2018 the Wellbeing Society was established as a group of Key Stage 3 students completed their two hours of external training with Eikon, in order to become Level 2 Wellbeing Ambassadors. This is a peer-led initiative and since the completion of their training, the ambassadors have helped Gordon’s School to achieve their Silver Surrey Healthy Schools Award. The students created and presented a week of assemblies in order to promote the five steps to wellbeing and also ran a pop up compliments cards stall in June, to raise awareness of ‘Feeling Good Week’.
The Wellbeing Ambassadors launched a ‘Feelings Box’ to help the wider student community to communicate their concerns, thoughts and feelings. They are working with the school counsellors and nurses to roll out this initiative. The Wellbeing Ambassadors wish to work with the pastoral team in creating a monthly wellbeing bulletin that will be communicated to students via email.
Click on the image to take you through to the Surrey Healthy Schools page
Click on the image to take you through to the Eikon
(mental health and wellbeing in schools)