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Examination Results

A-Level Results 2024

A Level 2024 

39% of entries were graded A* - A
71% of entries were graded A* - B 
88% of entries were graded A* - C

Average performance per student – BBB

BTEC 2024 

53% of entries were graded D*-D
88% of entries were graded D*-M 


Special congratulations to successful Oxbridge candidates Jack Brinkman and Elizabeth Bailey who have gained places to study Engineering and German, respectively.

Also, to Ayaan Asif, Emma Cheng, John Binu Jacob and Alex Travers who have secured medical school places.

This year’s students who have gained overseas sports scholarships are:  Freddie Fenton (football), Harry Mayhew (football), Luke Pedreschi (rugby) and Cara Faulkner (hockey).

The following students have all gained places at Music / Drama School:  Lily-Ann Prince, Faith Kurzberg, Alice Kermeen, Georgina Fowler, Killian Smith and Emily Hallett.

Finally, the following students have secured degree apprenticeships:  Peter Hamilton (pilot school), Georgia Winter (construction), Tamara Dlamini (banking), Jex Kidd (e-commerce), Lyla Gilbert (law).

Year 13 Students Achieving A* and A Grades 2024
A Level Grades by subject 2024
Year 13 Top Destinations 2018-2023
Most Popular Subjects Studied at University 2018-2022

GCSE Results 2024

GCSE 2024

51% of entries were graded 9-7
84% of entries were graded 9-5 
93% of entries were graded 9-4

79% of students achieved a ‘strong’ pass, 5 or better, in both English and maths, with 89% of students achieving the historic ‘gold standard’ of five or more (standard, 4) GCSE grades, including English and maths.

The Average Total Attainment 8 - 64.4
The Average Attainment 8 Grade - 6.44 

Almost half the year group achieved the English Baccalaureate (EBacc), with the average point score (EBacc, APS) of 5.94

2024 GCSE Value-Added - estimated PROGRESS 8 is 1.08 and ALPS 1.14, top 5% nationally.

BTEC 2024
100% of entries were graded D* - P

2024 Year 11 Destinations - a record 77% entered Gordon’s Sixth Form.

Year 11 Students Achieving Minimum Eight Grades 9-7 2024
GCSE Grades by subject 2024

As always, congratulations to our students and staff for their hard work and commitment in achieving a set of superb results.

Performance Tables

Link to Department for Education


Link to detailed information of Whole School Performance Data -