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Assembly and Chapel Schedules

Our Assembly and Chapel programmes combine with PSHE to raise awareness and educate our students about a range of local, national and international issues. The programmes provide a spiritual and holistic education linked closely to our Boarding Aims (Get Active, Learn and Achieve, Give, Appreciate, and Connect) and our character values (Courtesy, Integrity, Diligence, Enthusiasm and Resilience).

pshe events 2023-2024
Date Year Group Subject
Wednesday 11th October Year 11 Gordon's Sixth Form
Wednesday 29th November Year 10 Dr Aric Sigman: Soft Drugs
Wednesday 29th November Year 11 Dr Aric Sigman: Preparing for Exams
Wednesday 6th December Year 11 Emma Cole: Positive Voice
Wednesday 31st January Year 10 God and the Big Bang drop down day: Compatibility of God and Science
Wednesday 7th February Year 10 National Apprenticeship Week
Wednesday 7th February Year 11 National Apprenticeship Week
Wednesday 21st February Year 7-9 Theatre for School Y7-9 drama production 'Unacceptable'
Wednesday 13th March Year 11 EPIC Risk: Gambling Awareness
Wednesday 20th March Year 10 Humanism v Christianity panel
Wednesday 24th April Year 8-11 Guvna B: Mental health, grief, gangs and toxic masculinity
Week 1  Behaviour and Academic  Expectations (SMF/ HoKS) Behaviour and Academic  Expectations (SMF / HoKS)
Week 2 Safeguarding (CG) Safeguarding (CG)
Week 3  All Equally Different / Scholars Programme (JW) All Equally Different / Scholars Programme (JW)
Week 4 Bounce Don't Break - Mental Resilience Bounce Don't Break - Mental Resilience
Week 5  Black History Month (Culture Society) Black History Month (Culture Society)
Week 6  Careers / Work Experience (A Kennedy) Careers / Work Experience (A Kennedy)
Week 7  Online Safety (CG) Online Safety (CG)
Week 8 

Gender Equality /  
Global CItizens Awards Launch )JW)

Gender Equality /  
Global CItizens Awards Launch )JW)

Week 9  Anti-Bullying (SMF & Anti-Bullying Ambassadors) Anti-Bullying (SMF & Anti-Bullying Ambassadors)
Week 10  Co-Curricular (JLH / KM) Co-Curricular (JLH / KM)
Week 11  Camelthorn Charity (James K) Camelthorn Charity (James K)
Week 12 Disability Awareness  Disability Awareness 
Week 13  TBC TBC
SPRING term 2024 assemblies
wEEK Commencing year groups subject
8th January 2024 All Academic and Behaviours with Heads of Key Stage
15th January 2024 All Safeguarding with DSL
22nd January 2024 All Kindness with Charity Senior Prefects and School Chaplain
29th January 2024 All Holocaust Remembrance with Head of History
5th February 2024 All National Apprenticeship Week with Careers Lead plus Safer Internet Day on 26th February with DSL
19th February 2024 All British Values: Respect and Tolerance UNITY with Mr Gullick
26th February 2024 All Gordon's Core Values 4: Diligence with Assistant Head (Staff Development)
4th March 2024 All National Careers Week with Careers Lead
11th March 2024 All Neurodiversity Celebration Week with Learning Support Department
18th March 2024 All Co-Curricular with Head of Co-Curricular and Head of Performing Arts
SUMMER term 2024 assemblies

Accordion content

wEEK Commencing year groups subject
16th April 2024 All Behaviour & Academic Expectations
22nd April 2024 All Gordon's Core Values 5: Enthusiasm
29th April 2024 All Gordonians
6th May 2024   To be confirmed
13th May 2024 All Celebrating International Culture
20th May 2024 All Mental Health Awareness Week
3rd June 2024 All ID+ Pride Month
10th June 2024 All Co-Curricular
17th June 2024   Summer Safety Online (Y7-9), WEX Preparation (6th form)
24th June 2024   To be confirmed
1st July 2024 All Last week of term - End of term assemblies



chapel services
week Beginning


Autumn Term 2024 -

parables of jesus 

5th and 6th September

New Beginnings

9th September

New Cloth on an Old Coat

16th September

The Wise and Foolish Builders

23rd September

The Weeds Among Good Plants

30th September The Unmerciful Servant
7th October

The Rich Man and Lazarus

14th October The Shrewd Manager
21st October Two Sons
28th October Half Term
4th November  Invitation to a Great Banquet
11th November The Good Samaritan
18th November The Wise and Foolish Maidens
25th November The Talents
2nd December Nativity I
9th December Nativity II