historical meeting

Following in the footsteps of his great-great-great uncle General Gordon, Tom Gordon a Gordon Foundation Trustee meets a descendant of the Mahdi in Khartoum during Gordon's School inaugural visit. The trip by Gordon's School to the Sudan - believed to be the first by a European school - forged links with the Khartoum International Community School (KICS) and the Women's Education Partnership in Khartoum. It featured a boat trip along the Nile and to the Meroe Pyramids; tour of the National Republic Museum; camping in the desert and tea at the British Embassy. Letters from HM the Queen (Gordon’s School Patron) and the Lord Mayor of London (Vice President of the Gordon Foundation) were presented to KICS as well as a model of General Gordon on his camel. Tom Gordon planted a tree in the grounds of the Khartoum school to commemorate the visit.