new student leaders announced

Presenting the new Senior Student Leadership Team for 2024/25 of (left to right) Isabel Miles (Deputy Head Girl); Adaora Ambrose (Head Girl); Ned Hewson (Head Boy) and Fraser Bates (Deputy Head Boy). They are pictured below with (far left) Nerys Tullett (Colour Sergeant) and (far right) Thomas Allen (School Sergeant Major). All six students were required to write a letter of application and submit their CVs before being interviewed by a panel of three – Headmaster Andrew Moss, Deputy Head (Pastoral) Helen Carruthers and Chair of Gordon’s School Governors Jane Valner. Pictured are (left to right): Nerys Tullett (Colour Sergeant); Isabel Miles (Deputy Head Girl); Adaora Ambrose (Head Girl); Ned Hewson (Head Boy); Fraser Bates (Deputy Head Boy) and Thomas Allen (School Sergeant Major). The six will take on their new roles after Memorial Weekend. Congratulations and the best of luck to all of them!
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