Retiring on a High Note
Determined to leave a lasting legacy at Gordon’s, in the form of bagpipes, School Bursar Susan Meikle has achieved this, raising not only enough money for one set of pipes, but for five! Mrs Meikle, who retires at the end of August after 11 years at Gordon’s, had twice tandem-jumped out of an aeroplane to raise funds for school projects but the challenge of mastering the chanter and passing the Level 2 of the Piping and Drumming Qualifications Board was her biggest test to date. Since November, she has been attending weekly lessons on the chanter (the part of the bagpipe used to create a melody), spurred on by sponsorship by parents, students, staff and friends of the School. Now, as well as passing her exam, she has learned that £2,515 has been raised – enough to buy five new sets of bagpipes for use by the school’s pipers. Mrs Meikle said: "This was an unusual challenge to set myself but one that I am proud to have achieved, particularly encouraged by such generous donations for which I thank everyone most sincerely. The Pipe Band is an iconic aspect of Gordon’s and I now have some understanding of their hard work and commitment".