Archbishop of Canterbury's Visit
The Archbishop of Canterbury, The Most Reverend Justin Welby was welcomed to Gordon’s last night, bringing to a close the Big Questions events in the Diocese of Guildford. During the weekend he addressed local communities throughout the Diocese in schools, churches and a football stadium, making 11 visits, during which audiences were given the chance to hear him speak on how to find security and hope in uncertain times. They were also given the opportunity to ask him questions. Greeted in true Gordon’s style by the school’s Pipes and Drums, the Archbishop spoke to hundreds in the school’s sports hall on a wide-range of topics from homosexuality to Prince Charles becoming a ‘defender of the faiths’ rather than faith when he ascends to the throne. A student, asked what their response should be to their peers who claim the Bible is a fairy tale. Bishop Andrew Watson said: "The Pipes Band was a great touch and a reminder of the history of Gordon's".