Captain Tom, we salute you!

Tributes to Captain Sir Tom Moore, who died last week from the Gordon's School Pipes and Drums in the form of a video recorded from their homes and back gardens and a poem written in his honour by a student in Year 7:
This poem was written by student A Goswami in Year 7 in honour of this inspirational character.
He may have been frail but his honour was strong,
His body was stooped but he kept walking on.
He earned his medals through bravery and service.
He earned our respect by battling through this.
When the pandemic started,
He wanted to act.
His charity plan went from dream to a fact.
His aim was 1,000 laps to make pounds.
But 32 million! By walking his grounds!
Though even heroes don’t live forever,
We can maintain his legacy and endeavour.
So what can we do to be more like Moore?