Friday Reflection from the School Chaplain, the Reverend Sarah Norbron:
I think that many of us are getting used to having to use Zoom or other meeting platforms at the moment, although I admit to not being a great host. I usually get confused about something, the screen or who I can see, and one of the participants, usually an 11-year-old, puts me right. I love to see everyone on the screen, but one of the things I find difficult is spotting the person who is speaking. I know that they are highlighted, but I just don’t seem to be quick enough. I scan the screen and by the time I have located them, someone else is talking.
I have always been moved by the way that Jesus could spot someone in need in a crowd. On one occasion he was being pushed and shoved from all sides, but it was when his strength left him momentarily that he noticed a woman. She had been bleeding for years and no one could do anything for her, but the moment she touched Jesus, she was healed. But Jesus didn’t leave it there. He spoke with her tenderly and gave her the attention that she had been denied for twelve years. The woman’s faith had a significant impact on her life. And that can be the same for each one of us if we turn to Jesus in faith.
I am touched by the individual attention that so many are able to receive during these difficult times through carers, volunteers and neighbours, but I am aware that there must still be many who are lonely. I pray that each and every one of us will know how to spot these people in a crowd and to give them the bit of special attention they would so appreciate. May God bless you all.