Macmillan Coffee Morning

Gordon's is delighted to be supporting and raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support once again this year
Last year staff at Gordon’s supported The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning raising nearly £1000. This year we are planning a whole day of events to raise as much money as possible for this worthy cause; these include a student cake sale in houses and afternoon tea for parents and the wider community.
So how can you show your support?
- By baking a cake – Please bring all cake donations to The Recreation Hall on the morning of Friday 25th September
- By joining us for Coffee - between 2pm and 3.30pm in the Recreation Hall
- By buying a raffle ticket - We will be holding a raffle on the day; a £2 raffle with prizes such as a meal for two at the Inn @ West End, a bouquet of flowers from Lily’s Flowers in Bagshot, fruit and vegetable hamper from C.A Belcher & Son, a meat hamper from CLS Butchers & Fishmongers
If you have any questions please contact Sarah Byne at