piping for peace

As dawn breaks on Sunday November 11th, the centenary of the end of the First World War, the solitary figure of Gordon’s School Piper Edward Lee will play the lone piper lament ‘Battle’s O’er’ at the top of the Tower of Guildford Cathedral. Seventeen year old Edward, now in his final year at Gordon’s, is one of 1,000 pipers from across the country playing this haunting melody, a traditional Scottish air played after battle. Each piper will be based in individual locations within their communities. At the same time a specially written tribute will be read out. The event marks the start of a day in which countries from around the world such as New Zealand, Ireland, Australia, France, Belgium, Canada and Germany will join in commemorating Battle’s Over. The lone pipers will be followed that night by buglers sounding the Last Post at more than 1,000 locations before beacons are lit to signify the light of peace that emerged from the darkness of four years of war. To hear Edward talking about the event and playing his bagpipes on BBC Surrey this morning, please click here.