Pupils attend Anti-Bullying Conference
The anti bullying day was a great day, where the Peer Mentors of Gordon's School learned more about bullying and how to stop it and prevent it from happening.
The anti bullying day was a great day, where the Peer Mentors of Gordon's School learned more about bullying and how to stop it and prevent it from happening. The conference was a fantastic way of showing other schools what Gordon's do to help and prevent bullying from happening. Our school did a small presentation to show other schools our way of stopping bullying. This included the way in which we use Peer Mentors to help and ensure the students at school always have someone to talk to if they are being bullied, or need to talk to someone who is not a teacher. Peer Mentors are like the 'eyes and ears' for the teachers, which will hopefully help to prevent bullying occurring at Gordon's. During the day we were able to connect with other schools and take part in a series of activities which reinforced our knowledge, communication and observation skills. Therefore, I believe that it was an excellent day and lots of learning points were brought away from it that will hopefully be used at Gordon's to improve student life at school.
(James 9W)