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Gravesend House


Gravesend House is one of the original Victorian buildings and forms a major backdrop to all ceremonial parades. It is light and bright with a junior and senior common room as well as seven shared study rooms for Sixth Form students and a Prep room for Years 7-11.

The boys are encouraged to participate in co-curricular and Inter-House activities whether that is drama, music or sport, which builds team spirit and camaraderie. Our aim is to provide a warm and friendly atmosphere for all students and the open door policy of the House fosters strong relationships between staff, students and parents.


Head of House Contact Details:

Head of House: Mr G Knight
Office: 01276 859723
Mobile: 07825 067737

House Staff:

Deputy Head of House: Mr D Cherry
Assistant Head of House: Mrs S Lovell
House Tutors: Mr M Gullick, Mr A Wallace, Mr M Boote

student Positions of Responsibility:

House Captain: N Oakley
House Sergeant: S Heaton

Student Governor: B Muhsen

Drill Sargeant: H Donaldson-Sinclair
Right Hand Marker: B Muhsen 

Inter-House Captains: C Coleman, J Andrews

Junior Prefects: F Buchan, D Mumford, L Robson-Sankey, M Simpson

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors:
Year 8: 
T Betts
Year 9: G Mallek