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MIND Marathon

For Ned Hewson his 18th birthday means just one thing – he will then be able to run in marathons!

The A Level student has already signed up to the Brighton Marathon, which takes place soon after his milestone birthday. So, between now and April 6th he’s grasping any opportunity to train, venturing out on 5km, 10km and now 15km runs. No mean feat when he has also been performing his duties as Head Boy, House Captain, Deputy Head of House; as well as learning lines and rehearsing for one of the lead roles in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and studying for his A Levels in PE, economics and drama!

Ned’s determination to run the marathon is to raise money and awareness for the mental health charity MIND. He says: “I have chosen this mental health charity 'Mind' due to the difficulties I have been exposed to throughout my life. Just like everyone in the world, I have had my share of ups and downs but I believe that the ups are often spoken about more than the downs; when actually both are just as important in making someone the person they are today. I have decided to embark on this journey to prove to myself and all of you that we are capable of overcoming any challenge we face and that sometimes you need to have moments of pain to experience the times of glory and greatness."

"I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported me with my struggles with mental health and everyone who will be supporting Mind through my journey for this marathon.”

As well as setting himself the target of raising £2,025, Ned is also hoping to finish the marathon in under four hours!

Ned can be sponsored using this link.